Environment Related Myths of Coal Gasification

Whenever there is a discussion on the usage of coal as fuel, a series of questions trigger in our minds related to the ill-effects it can have on the Environment. As Coal happens to be the largest source of Natural Energy Resource on our planet, varied technologists rack their brains as to how this abundant Natural Resource can be effectively put to use without having an adverse effect to our Environment.

One such effective solution of using coal as a fuel is through the “Coal Gasification” route. Over the years the coal gasification industry has seen metamorphosis changes with respect to technology development and designs. Today, we can proudly say that Coal Gasification has reached the epitome of technology development, its main impetus being of achieving higher Gasification efficiencies and having least impact on our Environmental.

Coal Gasification is channeling its passage into the Industry which require high thermal energy for their process. Steel, Glass, Aluminium, Ceramics etc. are such industries which are energy guzzlers. Slowly and steadily these producers are educating themselves to realize and infer that Coal Gas is the most economical solution to their Energy Demands in comparison to the likes of other high cost thermal fuels.

Environmental concerns of Air, Water, Noise and Ground Pollution are well addressed in today’s Coal Gasification technologies. Coal Gas post combustion have SPM, RSPM, Sox & NOx levels which are much lower than prescribed Pollution Control Norms set by the Governing Authorities. Condensate Water or any Liquid Generated during the process of Gasification is recycled back into the system thus making this a Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) technology. The coal ash generated after the combustion of coal in gasifier shell is professionally managed and handled and further used in making concrete blocks/road making etc. The main moving parts of the Gas Station being Blowers and Compressors are all equipped with suitable VFD (Variable Frequency Drives) thus maintaining sound levels <40dB. Thus, we see that today the Coal Gasification Industry has technologies which are Environment friendly without putting a further dent into it.

It is important to mention that not all coal gasification technologies are successful in addressing the Environmental concerns. The prerogative of technology approval lies in the hands of the Governing Authorities. A correct approach from the technology providers end should be to educate and verse the authorizing agencies on the merits and demerits of various gasification technologies and assist them in making the correct choice.

It can be concluded that with the right gasification technology selection the world can harness on the phenomenal advantages and benefits coal gasification can offer to the worlds Energy Demands without adversely affecting our Environment.