Why buy Block Mills for your industry

Block Mill Manufacturer from the house of CASE Group are known for their unmatched knowledge on the particular field. They understand the on-going trend in the industry and come up with customized design as per the need of the clients.

Some special attractions of CASE Block Mills are

1)  Easy bar speed alteration
2) Simple to operate
3) Extremely effective automation
4) Compact design taking less space
5) Provides improved quality of bars and rods

For wire rod, CASE Block Mills are designed to run at speeds upto 100m/s

For more details, write to our Block Mill Manufacturers at info@casepl.com

About CASE Group
CASE is a 30 years old engineering company with a well-established set up in India. CASE deals in FRP Rectangular Cooling Towers, FRP Multicell Cooling Towers, FRP Intelligent Cooling Towers which came in variable color options, Hot Gas Coal Gasifier, Pyrolysis Clean Gas Coal Gasifiers, Circulating Fluidized Bed Coal Gasifiers, Pulse jet Air Pollution Control Equipment Bag House, Scale-Ban (Non Chemical Online Scale Preventor), HSS Rolls (High Speed Steel Rolls), Block Mills and Coal Briquetting machines etc. and many more.