High Speed Steel Vs Ordinary Steel: Which one is better

Engineers at steel rolling mills often complaint about the technical problems associated with ordinary steel rolls. It is seen that the hardness of ordinary rolls drop down when temperature rises. As a result, the quality of end product is often compromised.
To ensure, high productivity of quality products, experts have come up with ‘High Speed Steel’ rolls which offer good thermal stability, high hardness under high temperature and excellent wear and tear resistance against hot material.

As compared to the hardness of ordinary steel rolls, HSS roll hardness is always high even when the temper temperature is high. Due to this excellent feature HSS rolls has very high failure resistance.
With the addition of certain chemicals like of Vanadium, chromium, tungsten, molybdenum, niobium etc. HSS rolls outer shell gets good thermal stability, high hardness under high temperature and excellent wear and tear resistance against hot  material.
About CASE Group:
CASE is a 30 years old engineering company with a well-established set up in India. CASE deals in FRP Rectangular Cooling Towers, FRP Multicell Cooling Towers, FRP Intelligent Cooling Towers which came in variable color options, Hot Gas Coal Gasifier, Pyrolysis Clean Gas Coal Gasifiers, Circulating Fluidized Bed Coal Gasifiers, Pulse jet Air Pollution Control Equipment Bag House, Scale-Ban (Non Chemical Online Scale Preventor), HSS Rolls (High Speed Steel Rolls), Block Mills and Coal Briquetting machines etc. and many more.