CASE provides robust Air pollution solution for all types of industries. The selection of Air Pollution Control Equipment and the design are customized as per clients’ need.
Air pollution is the residual of industrialization. The unwanted by-product ingredients when pumped into the atmosphere contaminate the natural air, hence polluting the natural air. These pollutants are harmful to both the living and the non-living. Air pollution can lead to serious health problems. Increased levels of concentration can result in severe injury and even death. Experts say that air pollution has thinned the protective ozone layer above the Earth resulting in susceptibility to the living kind against innumerable diseases and disorders.
CASE realizes the extreme effects of this air pollution on Human Civilization today. Therefore, the team has dedicated their efforts to minimize or eliminate this problem by supplying industries with various Air Pollution Control Equipment as per requirement.
Air Pollution Control System: Principal of Working
Air pollution control systems are of various types. Overall principle consists of sucking the pollutants from all sources first. Then the polluted air is passed through appropriate media. This media can be a bag house which consists of filter material stacked together to dry filter the air. This media can also be a wet scrubber which apart from taking care of the particulates, also dissolves the harmful gases with water and flushes them out. This water can be cleaned later for drainage. An induced or forced draft fan is used depending on the application which sucks the polluting air and throws it through the chimney after the treatment. Chimney heights can vary from place to place depending on the pollution control norms of the place and the proximity of the industry with the residential areas.
CASE manufactures a wide range of state of the art Air Pollution Control Equipment which includes the following:
Air Pollution Control Devices
Electrostatic Precipitators (ESP)
Bag House
Cyclone Separators
Venturi Scrubbers
Wet Scrubbers
Air Pollution Control Accessories
Suction Hoods
Swiveling Joint arrangement
ID/FD Fans
Solenoid Valves
RAL (Rotary Air Lock)
Screw Conveyors
For more information, contact our CASE Group engineers